Water Texture
Produect Design 3D Printing + 3D Modeling Rhino + Grasshopper + Prusa Slicer
Water Texture is a fabrication project to expereince the 3D Printing and get familiar with the printing process.
The inspiration iamges were generated by Mid Journey, the AI Image Generator, by the promts of my own.
Transparency and flowy curvatures are the key words for this project as the goal is to express water textures.
Water makes marks when it flows and it is often express as lines, especially curvatures.
The project starts with the sketches made in AI image generator, models in Rhino, and prints through Prusa Slicer.
The material of the printied pattern is white PLA.
Key Words
Transparent Water Texture Waves Stone Edges Flows Glossy Hotel Lounge / Lobby Wall Ceiling Sharp Curves Reflecting Lights
A wall made of transparent water texture reflecting soft lights at a hotel lounge.
A plastic fabric inspired by transparent water texture reflecting soft lights applied in a hotel interior deisgn.
A transparent wall that is ambiguous to know if it is water or mountain, but more like water texture and waves in a hotel lobby with soft lights with some people’s sillhouettes.
A transparent fabric made of the flow of water and water texture.
Transparent fabrics inspired by water flowing into one direction towards the center of transparent bubble reflecting soft lights.
Transparent water texture inspired by sharp edges or stones and mountains, reflecting soft lights.
- An interior design that has connected wall and ceiling, inspired by the edges of transparent stone and water textures and transparent waves reflecting soft lights with a tint of deep blue for a hotel lounge with silhouettes.
A wall coverede in three dimensional tiles inspired by the edges of transparent stones, water texture, and transparent waves for a hotel lounge reflecting soft lights with a tint of deep blue.
Patterns of triangles made of water with transparent water textures on walls and ceilings for a hotel lounge with warm lights.
Glassy wall decoration inspired by triangular shapes and water textures with water drops on the surface reflecting soft lights in hotel lounge.