Dragon Fruits 

product / space                                     amorphic + dynamic                                     origami                                 biomimicery 

Dragon Fruit is my first biomimetic approach, challenging to create a product,  a fruit holder, that also has a space quality.  
The project has five identical dragon fruit holders. Each holder is a product itself. The feature is inspired by unique exterior of dragon fruits.
The goal was to create an opened space such as pavilion and to show how light is reflected on the ground through the shape of each holder’s structure.
Each holder has only one glued side to maintain the shape. The set of five holders maintains the shape by paper physics through stacking.


For better interpretation of the shape and character of dragon fruit and its exterior, I had four different visual approaches : points, line, mass, and applied lights and shadows. 

Structural Analysis I 


  • soft texture
  • pentagonal shaped leaves  
  • sequences of layering / overlapping


  • densed; no negative space
  • seeds are densed towards the center
  • hydrated

  • The spike of dragon fruit has deformed / iterated form          of pentagon.

  • Pentagon is the main shape of the project.  

Study Model

     model 01                                                                                                                                                   model 02

       model 01 + 02 

Structural Analysis II_Iteration 01 


             The spike of dragon fruit surounds the body of the fruit overlapping the surface.
             Through overlapping or layering repetitive elements, it is possible to create a sense of space.

        Individual Models 

        Layered / Overlapped_Horizontal

        Layered / Overlapped_Vertical

Iteration 02 


        As a change of a fruit holder, the shape itselfis simiplified and emphasized pentagon shape.
        The first iteration is about aggregating multiple models with the given certain anlgles.
        The tilted angle makes each holder seems like they are layering on each other.
        The fruit holders are floating and tiled by the transparent “pillars.” The pillars transparent to let the light reflect easily on the ground.

Iteration 03 


The spike of dragon fruit is sharpened to emphasize the unique shape of the fruit and to strengthen the stability for stacking.

Individual Models 

Stacked + Tilted 

Floor with Light Reflected 

Final Look 


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